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I have a tendency to think negatively on runs when I’m in a bad mood. It usually happens on workdays when I’m stressed. The pain from running energizes the negative thoughts. I end up worrying about the future or dwelling on the past.

All of those negative thoughts accomplish nothing and make the run unpleasant. So I did some research and experimented. These things helped a lot:

1 Try to completely clear your mind and only focus on your breathing. This is the basic principle of meditating. It takes some practice, but anyone can learn to do it. This technique also helps me fall asleep if my mind is racing.

2 Focus on your surroundings. Look at the scenery and really think about it. This can help you stay in the present.

3 Talk to yourself in an encouraging way like a coach would. Have a mantra that you say in your head or out loud, something like: “you got this” or “keep it up”.

4 Work on your running form. Experiment with tips that you’ve read about.

5 Think about a different hobby that you enjoy. I come up with a lot of ideas for blog posts or Instagram posts when I’m running.

6 Think about what you’re going to eat afterwards.

7 Think about what you’re going to do that weekend and make plans.

8 Think about the race you’re training for and your goal time.

9 Pick up the pace. Running at a faster pace can make you feel more involved in the run and less involved in your thoughts.

10 Think about different things that you are grateful for.

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