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1 Have a go-to meal that you eat regularly.

It should be somewhat healthy, cheap, and easy to cook. You don’t have to think about what to make or how you’re going to cook it.

2 Follow the two hour rule.

It is best to eat a meal at least two hours before a run. It will give your body time to digest the food. Eating something light (like a banana) before or during a run is fine.

3 Don’t run hungry.

If you’re really hungry during a run it can affect your performance and mood.

4 Remember what doesn’t sit well with your stomach.

I prefer to eat something plain before a run. I try to avoid anything saucy, oily or containing beans.

5 Have a meal prepared for after a run.

You’re not going to have a lot of energy afterwards and if you don’t have something ready to heat up you might be tempted to go out to a restaurant.

6 Eat healthy on off days too.

Train yourself to eat healthy on days when you don’t run.

7 Eat consistently during a run.

On longer runs I try to eat a 100 calories gel every 45 minutes.

8 Don’t overthink carb loading.

I usually don’t think about it because I regularly eat carbs anyways. If I’m going to run over 90 minutes I’ll up my carb intake for a few days before the run. MORE INFO

9 Increase your water intake the day before a run or race.

You’ll feel better in the morning and sometimes being dehydrated can lead to side stitches or “hitting the wall” on a run.

10 Eat bananas before or during a run.

They are a healthy carb and electrolyte source that can prevent muscle cramps.

11 Get groceries delivered occasionally.

It frees up a lot of time that you can use to meal prep.

12 Consider eating well as part of the sport.

Put effort into it and try to improve.

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