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Accept that you’ll never completely stop procrastinating. I heard an interview where ultramarathoner David Goggins says he procrastinates before running a lot. If a guy running 238 mile races hasn’t found a way to completely avoid procrastinating, you probably won’t either.

1 Realize that your mind is playing tricks with you.

Some of my best workouts have come when I was feeling lazy beforehand. As the saying goes – motivation is often the result of action, not the cause of it.

2 Start easy.

If you’re not in the mood to run, just tell yourself to go on a walk and if you don’t run it’s ok. After you walk for 10 minutes you’ll most likely feel ready to start running.

3 Put on all of your running clothes and shoes.

Put on your sunblock and vaseline. It’s a lot harder to back out of a run if you’re already set to go.

4 Run immediately after work.

If you go into an office or other workplace, bring your running gear with you and run there. Avoid going home. It’s nice to run in a different location and traffic will have died down by the time you’re finished.

5 Run with a friend occasionally.

Procrastinating isn’t going to be an option if you have a set meeting time with another runner.

6 Just get out of your home!

The act of stepping through your front door is often the biggest hurdle. That’s kind of weird if you think about it, you’re ultimately just walking through a door frame.

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