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At the start of my half-marathon training I set out to keep a log of all 35 scheduled runs. It made me more accountable. Something about writing it down made me take it more seriously. It’s also nice to have something to reference for next year, the details of the individual runs are hard for me to remember.

Training Complete – Final Thoughts

Overall the training went well. I followed the plan closely and only ended up missing two short runs that I made up for later on. I stretched before and after every run and had no injuries or pain at all. I reached my speed goal in 5 out of 9 sessions. I think 8:50 per mile was a good goal pace because it was challenging but doable. My mind and body feel good going into the race on Sunday and I’m confident that I can break 2 hours.

The Race

I actually ran two half marathons after completing this plan. The first one I ran at an 8:36 pace but the race was shortened by a half mile (it’s a long story). The second one I ran at an 8:51 pace for a total time of 1:56:02. So the plan worked great and I set a new PR. At the start it seemed like it was going to be impossible to run at that pace for 13.1 miles, but I stuck with the plan, pushed myself through some really challenging speedwork and gradually improved. I was a totally different runner at the end of the plan and I’m more confident than ever.

Week 1: 7/25/22


Felt great after work, ran at a quick pace on the Chicago river trail. Was in a good mood and it was an enjoyable opening training session.


Ran at night at the track. Disappointed that I did not reach my goal pace of 8:50. Ran 9:23 and 9:02. I was exhausted after work and not in the best mood so I took a nap, woke up and ate pasta and then ran. Stomach felt awful the whole time. Lesson learned: If I’m going to take a nap after work I need to eat BEFORE the nap so my body has at least two hours to digest the food. Goal Pace Reached? No


Procrastinated after work but eventually got out the door. I’m definitely not used to being on a schedule yet. My stomach felt bad again and I had to stop to use the bathroom. After that I felt alright and the run went smoothly. I ran a combo of track and sidewalk and finished doing a strength training routine in the artificial turf at the park. The turf is excellent for stretching and doing workouts like push ups, sits ups, planks, etc.


Went on a long bike ride on the lake before my run, it was a good warm up. Run went well, it was hot and sunny and I averaged around 11 minutes a mile with no stops.

Week 2: 7/31/22


Went on a good 5 mile run, I felt good the whole time. It was Monday and I wasn’t in a great mood but I felt alright after the run. I could have pushed myself harder but I want to feel 100% for my timed run on Wednesday.


Timed run went well, I hit my goal time easily. Ran mostly at the track by the lake. I had some bad side stitches towards the end of the second timed mile, I haven’t experienced those in a while. My body must not be acclimated to running fast for two miles yet. I had to use the bathroom again, which was very irritating. Goal Pace Reached? Yes


Run was uneventful. I went out early since I took the day off. It was peaceful outside since everyone was at work. I ran at an 11 minute pace and it didn’t feel difficult.


Did my 8 mile run, mostly around Horner Park, it was 90 degrees and humid. It was a run that I thought was going to be easy, but the heat made it a slow grind.

Week 3: 8/8/22


Run was uneventful, I went at an easy pace to save my legs for the goal pace run on Wednesday.


Ran at Horner Park. Some sections were overcrowded but it was a nice evening. I ran a slow warm up mile and then did my timed three miles at an average pace of 8:46. It was a very tough workout, but I dug deep on the last mile and ran it at 8:02, which allowed me to reach my goal. That’s the way speed training should be, tough, but obtainable, so I’m confident that I picked a proper goal time. Kind of daunting to think that I will have to run at that pace for 13 miles, but there is a lot of training left to do and I already feel way faster. I did a lengthy static stretching routine afterwards. Goal Pace Reached? Yes


Went on a slow easy run, legs felt kind of sore but weren’t too bad. Went to a nature preserve by my apartment that I’d never been to.


Finished my long run for the week which was 9 miles. I wasn’t in a great mood in the morning and didn’t feel like running but I ended up having a great time and felt way better afterwards. I think that’s ultimately the biggest benefit of exercising. Ok this is supposed to be about the training, went on a tangent there. I ran on the lake trail and I felt good, ran at an 11:15 pace. It was breezy and cloudy but still kinda hot out. I got a long stretch in and did a leg and core workout in the park afterwards.

Week 4: 8/15/22


Normal Monday easy run at Horner Park, nice cool overcast weather.


Ran at Horner Park, the weather was nice. I ran an easy mile to start, 3 timed miles, and then finished with an easy mile. Almost completed my goal time, I missed it by 12 seconds total. It was disappointing that I didn’t hit the goal because I hit it last week. I’m not too concerned because I had a bad side stitch, my lower rib on my right side felt like it had a knife in it. It wasn’t like I gave up, I felt great, other than the rib pain. Next week I will drink more water before the run. Goal Pace Reached? No - barely missed it


Uneventful run, legs were pretty sore and I didn’t feel like running. Ran at a slow pace.


Went on my 10 mile run on the lake trail. It’s so much easier to run in the morning, my body felt great. The Chicago Air and Water Show was going on and it made the run a lot more interesting. I picked up the pace on the second half of the run and I started getting side stitches again, but they weren’t as bad. I drank a lot of water and that made them go away, so I’ll have to remember to be extra hydrated next time. Overall I felt great and ran at an 11 minute pace for 10 miles with no breaks. Part of that is from the weather, but I feel like I’m progressing well.

Week 5: 8/22/22


Ran in the forest preserve by my office. It was a good change of pace and nice scenery, the run went smoothly.


Ran at Horner Park, it was about 82 degrees. It was the longest speed work that I’ve done so far, it was four miles at goal pace. I ran an average of three seconds below my goal pace, it was challenging. It’s still hard to believe that I’ll be able to run at that pace for 13 miles, time will tell. I got side stitches again on the last mile but it wasn’t too bad. It’s probably because I got dehydrated from the heat, it’s hard to drink out of a water fountain during speed work, it just takes too long. Goal Pace Reached? Yes


I missed my run, this is the first run I’ve missed from the plan. I had a work function and there was no way to squeeze it in.


Ran 11 miles at an 11 minute pace with no breaks. It was a little hot, but a nice day overall. I ate some gels with caffeine in them, which helped. I had been going with granola bars earlier. My legs felt quite sore over the last 2 miles, which was surprising. It was the toughest running week I’ve had this year.

Week 6: 8/29/22


Uneventful run at Horner park. I was tired and not in a great mood.


Ran at a track, it was the first time I’ve done that in a while. I hit my 8:50 goal on the number. 3 miles at an average pace of 8:50. I had side stitches on the last mile but it wasn’t nearly as bad as before, I think it is definitely from dehydration. Goal Pace Reached? Yes


I usually run at a track or a trail but I ran through the city instead. It’s harder to do with pedestrians and stop lights but it’s fun to explore the city. It was a nice change of pace.


Had to switch up my schedule a bit because I am going out of town for Labor Day weekend. So I ran 10 miles on Friday instead of Saturday. I ran through the city again. It was a smooth, easy run.

Week 7: 9/5/22


Again I had to switch up my schedule since I have a 10k to run on Saturday. So I did a 6 mile run at the track. I ended up running at exactly 9:00 a mile, so I missed my goal time by 5 seconds a mile. It was my hardest run of the year so far. My body felt great the whole time but I just didn’t quite have the energy or hustle to meet my goal time. Goal Pace Reached? No - barely missed it.


Ran an easy 6 miles through the city. It was a nice night. Also wore my new running shoes for the first time and they felt great.


Ran the mag mile 10k. I ran it at an 8:43 pace which was a little bit disappointing, but it was good training. It was hot and humid and I felt a bit sluggish. But overall it was a great event and I had fun. It was exciting to run in an organized race again, it had been about 10 months since the last one.


Ran 5 miles through the city. There was a big rain storm earlier so there was a lot of flooding. It was a nice cool night for a change. I went at a slow pace, legs were still sore from the 10k.

Week 8: 9/11/22


Ran an easy 3 miles through the city. My watch broke so it actually made the run kind of interesting because I was totally disconnected from everything.


I had a 7 mile run with 4 miles at goal pace. I did not reach the goal pace. I was defeated before I even started. I had a tough work week and was mentally and physically exhausted. I didn’t quit though and I ended up getting a solid speed workout in even though I didn’t reach the goal. Goal Pace Reached? No


I gave myself the day off. My body and mind needed a break. It was quite a stressful few weeks for me and I wanted to be feeling good for my final long run.


Ran a half marathon without stopping. I only had 12 miles on the training plan but figured I may as well go the extra mile since I was feeling good. It was mid 80s and humid outside. Other than the heat I felt good and it was an enjoyable run on the lake trail. I got a really good stretch and short workout at the park once I was finished.

Week 9: 9/18/22


Ran around the neighborhood at night, everything felt good. Wasn’t really sore from the 13 mile run on Saturday.


Had my final speed workout. I ran 4 miles, with 2 at goal pace. I ran at an 8:30 pace for the 2 miles. Everything felt good, my legs felt fresh and the run was easy. I didn’t eat for 5 hours before the run and that made a huge difference. My stomach felt good the whole time. Goal Pace Reached? Yes


Finished off the training plan today with a 2 mile run around my neighborhood. It felt kind of strange to do such a short run. I’m glad it’s over and I feel great going into the race.

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