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I heard an interviewer ask Bill Belichick about why he’s so strict, he replied “we make a commitment to each other”. He’s won 6 super bowl rings as a head coach so maybe there is something to that. I decided to give this a try before my 9 week half marathon training starts next week. I’m going to make a commitment to myself, and write it out. It sounds corny, but if it lowers my time it will have been worth it.

Goal Finish Time: 1:55:48 Success

Goal Finish Pace: 8:50 Success

Training Goals

  • I will eat healthy the entire time. Update: I failed on this one. I was in my office a lot, which always has sweets available. I ate out a lot as well. The diet wasn’t horrible, but it should have been better.
  • I will complete all runs listed on my training schedule. Only thing that would stop me would be an injury, illness, or bad weather (like a heavy rain). I might run a 10k at some point so, the schedule could be slightly altered to avoid that. Update: I succeeded on this one for the most part. I did miss one run because of a work function, and I cancelled a shorter run due to burn out from work and other obligations.
  • I will complete all speed training or at least try my best to reach the speed goals (they’re in the plan). Update: Succeeded here, I definitely took the speed training seriously and I improved a lot.
  • I will avoid alcohol for the most part, unless it’s one or two on a special occasion. Update: Fail. I wasn’t too bad, but I had a fun summer.
  • I will stretch before and after every single run Update: Success. I was very good with this and formed good stretching habits that I will continue with in the future.
  • I will do at least one cross training session per week. Update: Kind of succeeded here. I did technically do one a week, but a lot of my cross training workouts were short. It’s just so hard to find the energy to run and do cross training.
  • I will not do anything that would risk injury, such as playing a tennis match. Update: Success. I was good with this. I definitely miss playing tennis and I’m looking forward to starting up again after the race.

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