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If you live in an area with cold winters, the treadmill is a great tool. You don’t have to go through the standard process of stopping running in the winter, gaining weight, and then starting over again. I definitely prefer outdoor running, but I’ve managed to run consistently on a treadmill in the winter. Here are some tips that might help:

1 Have a good attitude.

Don’t assume that you’re going to hate it and be bored, keep an open mind.

2 Grind through the first 4 or 5 runs.

Part of the problem may be that you aren’t used to it. Have you ever really stuck with it or did you just do it here and there and decide you hate it? When you were starting out, running outside may have been boring for you too, but you got used to it.

3 Consider the advantages of the running indoors.

You always have a bathroom and water, the temperature is perfect, you have a towel, you can watch tv, you can set an exact speed to run to, you don’t have to put on sunblock or wait for the crosswalk light to turn green.

4 Don’t make the run too hard.

I usually go with 5 to 6 mph for an hour. That’s worked well for me. Speed work and long runs can always wait until the weather changes.

5 Think about how much you’re going to improve.

If you can manage to run indoors through the winter and keep the weight down, then you are setting yourself up for a great outdoor season. That can be an exciting thought.

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