To Possibly Do Before a Run:
- apply sunblock
- apply vaseline / petroleum jelly
- apply deodorant
- drink water
- charge your phone and smart watch
- take any medicine (like allergy pills for example)
- dynamic stretches
To Possibly Do After a Run:
- static stretching
- foam rolling
- drink water
- eat healthy food and rest
To Possibly Bring With on a Run:
- sunglasses
- phone
- smart watch
- headphones
- hat
- hair tie / headband
- debit card / cash
- wet wipes / toilet paper
- hand sanitizer
- running gels or other food
- water or sports drink
- running belt
- waterproof socks (if it’s raining)
- gloves and winter hat (if it’s cold out)

To Possibly Remember for a Race:
- race bib
- safety pins to attach the bib
- clothes to change into after the race
- towel to dry off afterwards
- phone charger
- gym bag
- instructions and notes for the race (expo info, parking info, starting location, etc.)
- clothes to wear before the race if it’s cold out (If you don’t want to use the gear check you can bring old clothes and throw them away before the start.)