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Will running make me lose weight?

Probably, but your diet is what will affect your weight the most. You might have heard that a pound of fat contains about 3,500 calories. That’s a lot, so don’t expect a miracle. A pound of fat a week is a good amount to shoot for.

Am I too busy to run?

I don’t think anyone is too busy to run, you just have to be realistic about the distance. If you have two young kids and a full time job, a full marathon is going to be difficult. Plenty of people have done it, but I wouldn’t want to in that situation. The good news is that there are plenty of shorter distance races and you can run a longer distance race in the future. Marathons aren’t going anywhere.

What’s the point of running?

Improved physical and mental health. Click here for more info.

Why am I so slow?

How hard you’ve trained and what weight you are at will affect your speed. Doing speed work is really hard but it will definitely make your faster. That being said, we have to acknowledge that genetics and talent play a big role in sports. Some people can throw a baseball 90 mph and some people can run 26.2 miles in 3 hours.

Am I too fat to run?

Some people are too heavy to run. Everyone’s body is different so it’s hard to say specific weights. In my opinion, if you can’t run one mile in under 13 minutes you are better off power walking until you lose weight.

Am I too old to run?

No. I ran the Donot Stop Half Marathon in 2021 and the winner was 52, there were 173 total runners. The 2018 NYC Marathon had 382 runners that were 70 or older.

Is running hard?

Yeah it is. There isn’t any complex technique to learn but it’s physically and mentally exhausting, especially at first. It’s also very enjoyable, runners usually look forward to their runs, it’s not something they dread. There are a lot of small things to learn but it’s not rocket science, anyone can do it. The first year of running was very challenging for me but it was also exciting.

Will walking help my running?

Yes, it can help with weight loss and endurance. You can also walk everyday, running everyday is hard on the body. Combining running and walking is a great way to start out.

Do I need to learn proper running form?

Technically no, you could just start running, but it’s a good idea to learn proper running technique.

Does running get easier?

Yes, your body and mind get used to it over time. You also learn a lot over the years and that will make it easier.

Is running expensive?

No. Compared to most other sports it’s cheap. The only thing you really need to buy are shoes. It can get somewhat expensive if you run a lot of races, especially if you travel to other cities.

What temperature can I run in?

This is complicated because there are a lot of factors to consider. Generally, I will run outdoors anywhere from 30 degrees F to 95 degrees F. Over 90 degrees F is when it starts to get sketchy. You obviously want to drink a lot of water and understand that heat can be deadly. As far as the cold, the wind and rain make a huge difference. 30 degrees F with low wind and no rain/snow is good running weather.

Will my speed improve over time?

Yeah, for most people their speed will improve gradually over the years. The more speed work you do the faster you will get.

What if I’m insecure about running outside?

I understand insecurity and anxiety, but ultimately no one is going to pay much attention to a random person running around outside. Wearing a hat, sunglasses, or headphones can make you feel more under the radar.

Should I run on a treadmill or outside?

If the weather is good you should definitely run outside. Exploring the outdoors is half the fun in my opinion. I hate running on treadmills, it feels tedious and boring.

Can I run if I smoke/vape?

Yeah you can, I vaped nicotine and ran for years and I don’t think it had a big impact on my performance. Smoking is going to hurt your performance way more. I don’t recommend doing either.

Should I run with a partner?

I think it’s best to run alone for the most part. It’s more practical, you don’t have to coordinate a meeting time or compromise on the speed and distance that you’re going to run. I like the solitude of running but I do enjoy running with a friend once in a while.

Can I run at night?

Yes, I love running at night. You don’t have to wear sunblock, it’s not as hot, and there is a certain peacefulness to it. Remember to always be safe.

What race should I sign up for first?

a 5K or a 10K

What are the races like?

They have a positive friendly vibe, runners are generally very nice people.

How much do races cost?

Depends on the city, these are some 2023 price estimates: 5ks will be in the $40 dollar range, 10k in the $50 dollar range, half-marathons in the $90 range, and full marathons in the $150 range. Marathons in bigger cities like Chicago or NYC will be in the $250-$350 range. Early registration is usually discounted, so sign up early if you can.

What if I’m scared or intimidated to run a race?

There isn’t anything to be nervous about because running is simple, there isn’t much that can go wrong. So maybe you run a slow time, who cares? A sport like golf on the other hand could get really humiliating (example: swinging and completely missing the ball with 10 people watching).

Do I need to carb load before my race?

For a 5k or a 10k you do not. For a half marathon or a full marathon you should, especially for a full. For a race that’s on a Sunday, you should gradually start eating more carbs on Monday-Thursday, but leave the rest of your diet the same for the most part. Then go heavy on the carbs on Friday and Saturday. Those two days are what’s most important, and you should be eating some form of carbs every time you eat.

Do I need to follow a training plan?

You don’t need to but it will help your performance. The longer the race, the more important a training plan is. For a half-marathon or a full marathon you definitely should have a training plan.

Should I poop before the race?

I always do, it’s a lot better then having to hold it or go during the race. You’ll also feel lighter and run faster after you go. Here is a simple trick that never fails me: drink coffee and jog for 10 minutes. It’s a good warmup and you will probably have to go after. Also try to eat your dinner early the day before, around 3pm. That gives your body plenty of time to digest the food.

What if it rains during the race?

Just deal with it, it’s part of the sport. Rain gear (especially waterproof socks) is a good idea.

What if it’s cold during the race?

Just dress warm. The cold is better than the heat in my opinion, it’s easier to run faster. Old clothes that you can take off and throw away during the race are a good idea.

Can anyone run a marathon?

No. Most people can but there are people that have pre-existing medical conditions or disabilities. Also, if someone is significantly overweight, they should not run a full marathon until they’ve lost some weight.

How much harder is a full marathon than a half marathon?

A full marathon is A LOT harder. At the 13 mile mark of a full marathon, it’s always like “How am I going to do that AGAIN?!” It’s harder, but it’s more rewarding. The training is also a lot more demanding.

How do I set my race goal time?

You do it based on other running results. Click here for a tool that can help set a goal time.

Can I have a life and still run a marathon?

Not really, it’s a big commitment. The good news – the hard training is only about 3 months long. In those three months I don’t do things I usually do like play golf or drink alcohol. Here is a guide to running your first full marathon.

How do I prevent injuries?

Stretching is what is most important for injury prevention in my opinion. Some type of strength training can help too. More information on stretching and strength training.

Don’t do anything too risky if you’re training for a race. You might want to avoid basketball for example, especially if you haven’t played in a long time.

Do I need to stretch before a run?

Yes, you should do dynamic stretching before every run.

Do I need to stretch after a run?

Yes, you should do static stretching after every run.

Is running bad for my knees?

Most of what I’ve read says that it isn’t and I haven’t hurt my knees running. Generally speaking, I think it’s a myth. A runner named Ricardo Abad ran a marathon (26.2 miles) for 607 consecutive days. If running was “bad for your knees” how would he have been able to accomplish that? Running could potentially be bad for someone knees if they are way overweight, don’t stretch, have poor form, etc.

Should I run through pain?

Running through muscle soreness or tightness is ok, but if something feels “injured” you should stop and let it heal. For example, if your ankle is sore everytime you run, that’s probably an injury. Go to the doctor if it’s something serious.

Why am I running and not losing weight?

This could be for a few reasons, but my guess is that your diet needs to be better and your expectations are too high. Weight comes off slowly, that’s why it’s so much easier to not gain weight in the first place. Adding walking to your routine is a good strategy to lose weight faster.

Should I eat before a run?

Yes. If I’m running in the morning I’ll eat something light like two bananas. If I’m running later in the day I eat as I normally would but wait at least two hours to run. For longer runs I eat gels while I’m running, usually one per hour.

How much water should I drink?

That depends a lot on the temperature and humidity. Too much water is better than not enough. I like to drink a lot of water after I’ve run for about 20 minutes because my body will retain it. If I drink a lot before the run I sometimes have to pee too frequently.

Should I carry water with me when I run?

No for the most part. Most people I see out running aren’t carrying water, and for good reason…water is heavy. You also have to carry it in a vest or belt which can cause extra sweating. I prefer to either run on a route that has water fountains or stop at a convenience store and buy water or Gatorade. If that’s not possible for you, then yeah, carry water.

Also keep in mind that water isn’t always necessary during the run. If it’s not hot and humid out I can run for an hour without drinking water, I just drink it before and after.

Does running help mental health?

It most likely will. You’re doing something positive, you’re outdoors, you’re setting a goal and striving to achieve it. It didn’t magically cure all my issues but it definitely was a big help.

What should I think about when I run?

Anything positive. Sometimes if I’m in a bad mood and running, my mind will go to a bad place. Here are some tips to try and think positive:

  • Think about what you are going to do that weekend.

  • Think about what you will eat afterwards.

  • Think about the race you are training for and your goal time.

  • Think about a different hobby that you enjoy. I sometime come up with ideas for this website when running.

  • Try to completely clear your mind and only focus on your breathing. This is the basic principle of meditating and it works well to avoid negative thoughts. It takes some time and practice but anyone can learn to do it.

How do I stop procrastinating before I run?

It can be hard to actually start running, especially on a Monday or Tuesday when you’re exhausted from work. Here are some tips:

  • Lay out your clothes ahead of time.

  • Put on your outfit and sunblock and petroleum jelly — that’ll prevent you from talking yourself out of it.

  • Just get out of the door. You can do your stretches and warmups outside. Actually getting out of your home is the biggest obstacle.

  • Start with a walk. Sometimes I tell myself “just go on a walk and see how you feel”. I usually walk for 10 minutes and then I’m ready to run.

Did running a marathon improve your outlook on life?

Yes it absolutely did. If you can follow through with a marathon plan and complete a goal you will have confidence to take on other challenges. It improved my work ethic as well.

Is a runner’s high real?

Yeah it is. If you ever go running with a group of people, take notice of everyone afterwards. Their voices are loud, they’re smiling, they’re in a good mood.

How long do running shoes last?

Experts say that a high quality pair will last between 300 to 500 miles. It depends on a lot of factors, such as the weight of the person or the surface that the person runs on.

How should I pick my shoes?

Definitely go to a running store and get fitted by an expert.

Where should I put my keys on a run?

There are a few options, one is to hide your keys on your property, like under a rock. I’m not recommending that but if you do, be careful that no one sees you hiding them. Running shorts with zip pockets are an option, a fanny pack or running belt with pockets is another option.

Should I bring my phone with me on runs?

I sometimes do and sometimes don’t. If I do, I keep it in a running belt so it doesn’t bounce around in my pocket, I barely notice it. I like to occasionally take pictures. Most of the time I don’t bring it because I have a smart watch. If you don’t have a smart watch I would recommend bringing the phone with you to track distance or use the GPS if you have to.

What clothes to wear on a run?

Wear any type of workout clothes, they’re usually polyester. Cotton will hold a lot of water, so it’s not ideal if you’re going to be sweating a lot. It’s a good rule to dress like it’s 15 degrees warmer than it actually is since your body will warm up from moving. So if it’s 55 degrees, dress like you normally would for 70 degrees. If it’s cold out it’s a good idea to bring a hat and gloves, you can always put them in your pocket if you get too hot.

When I’m running and get sweaty my glasses get slippery and fall off my face, what should I do?

I have some rubber pieces that I bought on amazon that attach to the temples and go behind the ear. They are cheap and work perfectly.

What equipment do I need?

A pair of shoes and workout clothes, that’s it. Here are some things that are good to have:

  • a smart watch

  • rain gear and waterproof socks

  • cold weather fitness clothes

  • a fanny pack or running belt

  • a vest or belt to carry water

Should I run with my dog?

I never do because it makes the run more complicated. You might have to pick up the dog’s waste or give them water. I prefer to go on walks with my dog instead.

Should I listen to music when I run?

It’s up to you. The first few years I ran I listened to music a lot but now I never do. I like the peacefulness of no music and it’s nice to not have to pick out music and scroll through it.

Where should I pee or use the bathroom when running outside?

A lot of runners pee outside. It can be a good idea to start noticing where porta potties or stores with public bathrooms are.

Do runners really crap in their pants on accident?

Running can make you have to go. I’ve always been able to find a bathroom in time. I did see it happen to a woman in a marathon that I ran (it was very noticeable). She kept running though, which I kind of respected.

If you’re nervous about that, bring your debit card with you on the run, so in case of an emergency you can buy a bottle of water and use the bathroom of a convenience store.

Will running make me lose muscle?

If you lose weight you are going to lose fat and muscle. The good news is that you have “muscle memory”. So if you lose strength in the summer and fall from running, you can gain it back by weight lifting in the winter.

Should I run on a trail or on the sidewalk?

A trail can be better because you can run faster and you don’t have to worry about crossing busy streets, pedestrians with dogs, etc. The sidewalk is good because you don’t have to go anywhere to do it, you just walk out of your home and start running. If you’re trying to improve your speed, I would definitely recommend that you go to a trail or track.

Will my toenails fall off from running?

I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never had any type of toenail issue.